Youtube Vinyl Community > Youtube Discussions

Account in good standing?

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Ladies and gentlemen...

I've got my first copyright strike!!! :duh:

My video of Beethoven 5th symphony was removed after a copyright infringement claim was issued by...the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra!!! I would expect such a thing by a music label or some greedy musician, but not by a famed, revered classical orchestra... ://

The video had just reached 200k views, with an average of 200 views per day. Nothing exceptional, but still good...maybe too good for the "copyright holder". But the recording was made in 1962, more than 50 years ago, so wasn't the copyright expired???
In the next days I'll decide whether to send a counternotification or just to wait for the next 6 months before uploading new videos, hoping that I won't receive new strikes in the meantime (my only other public video has very few views, so it should come across unnoticed)...

That makes no sense - that recording is over 50 years old and the music itself (Beethoven) is in the public domain! Crazy.

Maybe they were upset that you uploaded the complete album instead of just one song?

I know the copyrighted works of a musician or writer expire 75 years after their death. I'm not sure when the copyright for a single recording expires, but you'd think 50 years is long enough.  ::)


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